Vídeos destacados

Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

50/50 Split
A Fan Speaks
A Fan Speaks / Famous Man
A Singer's Request
A Very Sorry Saint
Affairs Of The Heart
After The Fact
Already Dead
An Audience With You
Annachie Gordon
Annan Water
Anonymous 1916
Another Age
Ask Why
Backing Out
Bad Dream Baby
Bad Fruit
Ballad of the Inferno
Bastard Son
Be With Him
Billy, Don’t You Weep For Me
Bridegroom Blues
Browning Road
Build Me a Coffin
Calling Off the Experiment
Captain Courageous (On Disko Island)
Careers Service
Cathy's New Clown
Come Gather Round
Congratulations (On Your Hallucinations)
Covered Up in Aces
Crystal Blue Persuasion
Cupid And Psycho
Dark Dark Heart
Daylight Ghosts
Dead Centre Of Town
Dead On Arrival
Dear Lawyer
Death of the Ghostwriter
Do Not Fear The Dark
Don't Rain On Me Today
Driving In The Rain
Eating Each Other’s Babies
Election Night
Election Night/You Will Be Cured
Elvis Has Just left The Building
Elvis Has Left the Building
Famous Man
Female Rambling Sailor
Fifty Fifty Split
For An Actress
Funny Old New World
Gentleman Caller
Gentleman’s Dream
Get Back Down
God Lives Upstairs
Good Bye (Late O’Clock)
Good for the Ratings
Good Morning (I Just Woke Up)
Good News (& Bad News)
Goth Girl
Handful Of Sand
Headful Of Something
Headful Of Something/The Devil In Me
Heart Without A Home
Here Comes The Groom
Hey! Director!
History in the Remaking
Hitler's Tears
Hostile Two Party System
Humble Bee
I Can Tell (When You're Telling Lies)
I Don’t Work Here
I Just Wanna Talk
I Just Woke Up
I Know Nothing
I Might Be Dead
I See You
I Should Have Stopped
I'm Staying Here (And I'm Not Buying A Gun)
I'm Wrong About Everything
I’ll Be Your Eyes
Idiot’s Delight
If You Have Ghosts
In Paradise (Unedited Version)
Infinite Combinations
Into The Wind
Isle of France
It Stays
It's All My Fault
It’s Never Too Late
It’s Only Make Believe
Jack In The Green
Jackson Cage
Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais
Joan of Arc (The Ballad of La Pucelle)
July 13th 1985 (The Live Aid Song)
Kill The Messenger
Kiss Me, Miss Liberty
Kiss/Lover's Society
Let Us Now
Like a Prayer
Little Musgrave
Long Dead Gone
Lord Bateman
Lord Lovel
Love or Nothing
Love's Reign Of Terror
Love’s Sacrifice
Lovers Society
Making Love To Bob Dylan
Master Kilby
Me Against Me
Meet The Sheep
Millionaire's Dream
Miss Fortune
Monkey And His Cat
My Favourite Angel
Need I Know
Negative Love
No More
Nothing At All
Nothing I'd Rather Do
Oh! Pandora
Old Bourbon
Old Girlfriends
One Night Only
One Shot
Ordinary Weekend
Other People's Failure
Our Lady Of The Highways
Peeling Bark
People Love To Watch You Die
Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue & Me (1986)
Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue And Me
Poor Heart
Pound Pound Pound
Protest! Protest! Protest!
Punch ‘n’ Judy
Robert Frost Rag
Rock ‘n’ Roll Code
Roy Orbison Knows (The Best Man's Song)
Same Piece Of Air
Same Thing Twice
Sanguinary Butcher
Satellite of Love
Save A Little Room For Me
Scared Of Guns
Shallow Brown
She Never Talks
She's A Piece Of Work
Sick Organism
Sing Your Own Song
Skyscrapers of Memphis
Sleeper Awake
Sleepy People
Slippery Slide to Bliss
Someday Son
Something To Write Home About
Song I Wrote Myself In The Future
Sorry, Lazarus
Spaced Cowgirl
Star Struck Banner
Still Photo
Story Teller
Summer Single
Sussex Ghost Story
Sweat Tears Blood And Come
Talkin’ Return of the Great Gangsta Folk Scare Blues
Talking Christmas Goodwill Blues
Talking Return Of The Great Folk Scare Blues
Thank You, You're Welcome
The Abandoned Baby
The Biggest Monument
The Bonny Bunch Of Roses
The Brain of Britain
The Bullet Catch
The Celestial Shuttle
The Colloquy of Mole & Mr. Eye
The Coming of Sound
The Common Kiss
The Dark Waltz
The Devil in (Little Ol’) Me
The Devil In Me
The End
The End of Something
The Examiners
The Facts Of Life
The Fall Of The House Of Harding
The Flandyke Shore
The Funeral Band
The Golden Glove
The Governess
The Humpback Whale
The Isle Of France
The King Is Dead Boring
The Lady Dressed In Green
The Man With Two Surnames
The Meltdown
The Movie Of Your Life
The Night He Took Her To The Fairground
The Original Miss Jesus
The Patron Saint Of Losers
The People's Drug
The Person You Are
The Promise of Love
The Receiving End
The Red Rose And The Briar
The Rent
The Secret Angel
The Secret Angel #2
The Singer’s Request
The Speed Of Normal
The Splendid Life
The Triumph Of Trash
The True Story of Buddy the Kid
The Truth
The Undercard
The Way We Weren’t
The World (And All Its Problems)
The World in Song
The Wrong Goodbye
There’s a Starbucks (Where the Starbucks Used to Be)
Things Snowball
Think It Over
To Whom It May Concern
Too Much Into Nothing
Top of the Bottom (Live)
Uncle Dad
Wah Wah
We Are Not the First
When All the Bad Things in Your Life Turn to Worth It
When Dreams Come True
When the Beatles Hit America
When The Sun Comes Out
When You Smile
Where The Bodies Are
Who You Really Are
Why Must the Show Go On?
Wild Boy
William And Nancy's Parting
William Glenn
Window Seat
Wooden Overcoat
Words Words Words
World Of Light
Wreck on the Highway
Write What You Know
You And Your Career
You Can’t Take It With You
You In Spite Of Yourself
You So & So
You So&So
You're Looking At Me
You're No Good
You’re It!
Your Ghost (Don't Scare Me No More)
Your Mind’s Playing Tricks on You
Your New Clothes

Curiosidades sobre John Wesley Harding

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de John Wesley Harding?
El álbum más reciente de John Wesley Harding es “Dynablob 5: Extraverse”, lanzado en 2020 con 19 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de John Wesley Harding?
El álbum más antiguo de John Wesley Harding es “It Happened One Night”, lanzado en 1988 con 17 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de John Wesley Harding?
La canción más popular de John Wesley Harding es “If You Have Ghosts”, del álbum “Greatest Other People’s Hits”, lanzado en 2018.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado John Wesley Harding?
Entre 1988 y 2020, 24 Álbumes fueron lanzados por John Wesley Harding.

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