Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

Amanda Is A Scalape
Another Girl
Anxiety Attack
Art Land
Avenue A, Shanghai, Hollywood
Back to Manhattan
Back When I Was 4 [It’s the Ones Who’ve Cracked That the Light Shines]
Back When I Was Four
Banned From the Roxy
Big A, Little A
Broken Broken Broken Heart
Bugs & Flowers
Clyde and Alyda
Cult Boyfriend
Depression! Despair!
Do They Owe Us a Living?
Dogs Of My Neighborhood
Don't Be Upset
Don't Let the Record Label Take You Out to Lunch
East River
End Result
Everyone's Honest
Exactly What Nobody Wanted [Bad Wiring]
Except For the Fact That it Isn't
Good Old Pig, Gone to Avalon
Gravity Sue
Had It All
Had It All [City & Eastern Songs]
Have a Baby
Heavy Heart
History of Punk on the Lower East Side
How can it be
I Ain't Thick, It's Just A Trick
I Got Lost
I Saw A Hippie Girl On 8th Ave
I Saw A Hippy Girl On 8th Avenue
If Life Exists
If you Shoot the Head You Kill the Ghoul
In Certain Orders
It's Not Impossible
Keep it Chill! [in the East Vill]
Krongu green slime
Mini-Theme: Moocher From The Future [’Em Are I]
My Girlfriend Doesn't Worry
No Feelings In My Heart [Tapes From the Crypt]
No LSD Tonight
Not Supposed To Be Wise [Bad Wiring]
Outta Town
People Were Morons
Punk Is Dead
Reaching [A Loot-Beg Bootleg]
Roll Bus Roll
Sad Screaming Old Man
Sal's Pizza Has Sold Out to the Yuppie Scum
Scowling Crackhead Ian [Manhattan]
Sea Song
See America Right
Slogans [’Em Are I]
So what if i couldn't take it
Something Good
Systematic Death
Take It For Granted
The Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex Song
The East River [Indie Rock Fortune Cookie]
The Gasman Cometh
The Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane
The Man With The Golden Arm [Indie Rock Fortune Cookie]
The Singing Tree
The Upside-Down Cross
They Always Knew
Three-Quarter Moon
Till Question Marks Are Told
Time Machine
Time Trades
To Be Objectified
To go and return [A Turn In The Dream-Songs]
Travel Light
Try it again
Walls (Fun In The Oven)
Walls [12 Crass Songs]
Water Leaking [A Loot-Beg Bootleg]
Water leaking, water moving
What I Love Most In England (Is The Food!)
What Would Pussy Riot Do? [WWPRD]
When That Really Old Cat Dies
When you're by yourself
Where Is The Machine
Where Next Colombus?
Whistle Past the Graveyard
Williamsburg Will Oldham Horror
You Don't Have to Be a Scientist to Do Experiments on Your Own Heart
You're Invited

Curiosidades sobre Jeffrey Lewis

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Jeffrey Lewis?
El álbum más reciente de Jeffrey Lewis es “When That Really Old Cat Dies”, lanzado en 2022 con 3 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Jeffrey Lewis?
El álbum más antiguo de Jeffrey Lewis es “Indie Rock Fortune Cookie”, lanzado en 1998 con 8 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Jeffrey Lewis?
La canción más popular de Jeffrey Lewis es “You're Invited”, del álbum “Jeffrey Lewis & The Jrams”, lanzado en 2014.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Jeffrey Lewis?
Entre 1998 y 2022, 13 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Jeffrey Lewis.

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