Vídeos destacados

Músicas más populares

Todas las Músicas

A Hell on Earth
A Look At Tomorrow
Accessories by Molotov
Accessories by Molotov, pt. 2
Ain't No Feeble Bastard
Almost Alive
Always Restrictions
Anger Burning
Becomes Again & Again
Beginning of the End
Blood of the Innocent
Born To Die in the Gutter
But After The Gig
Contact With The Real
Corpse Of Decadence
Cries Of Help
D.Y.T / A.Y.F
D.y.t. / A.y.f.
Death Dealers
Does This System Work
Down And Dirty
Drunk With Power
End Of Days
Exiled In Hell
False Flag Entertainment
Fantasy Overload
Fight Back
Free Speech For The Dumb
Grave New World
Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
Hell Is War
Hung Drawn And Quartered
Hype Overload
I Won't Subscribe
Ignorance Your Surrender
In Defence Of Our Future
In Love Believe
Into Darkness
Is This To Be
It Can't Happen Here
It Will Always Stay
It's No T.V. Sketch
Kept In The Dark
Killing Yourself To Live
Leaders / Deceivers
Legacy You Left Behind
Looking At Pictures Of Genocide
Lost In You
Maimed and Slaughtered
Mania For Conquest
Manson Child
Massacre Of Innocence (Air Attack)
Meet Your Maker
Never Again
Never Come To Care
New World Order
No Comprimise
No Compromise
No Return
Population Control
Protest And Survive
Psycho Active
Q: and children? a: and children
Raped And Pillaged
Real Live Snuff
Realities Of War
Religion Instigates
Shootin’ Up The World
Shooting Up The World
Sleep In Hope
Society's Victim
Spoils of War
State Violence, State Control
The Blood Runs Red
The Broken Law
The Downward Spiral
The End
The Final Blood Bath
The More I See
The Nightmare Continues
The Possibility Of Life's Destruction
The Price Of Silence
The Terror Alert
They Declare It
They Lie You Die
Time Is Kind
Tomorrow Belongs To Us
Trust 'em
Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
Visions Of War
War's No Fairytale
We Dare Speak - A Moment Only
Web of Disadvantage
What do I get
What Method What Madness
Where There Is A Will
Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
Will Deceive You
You Deserve Me
You Have The Gun
You Take Part in Creating This System

Curiosidades sobre Discharge

¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Discharge?
El álbum más reciente de Discharge es “End of Days”, lanzado en 2016 con 15 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Discharge?
El álbum más antiguo de Discharge es “Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing”, lanzado en 1982 con 14 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Discharge?
La canción más popular de Discharge es “New World Order”, del álbum “End of Days”, lanzado en 2016.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Discharge?
Entre 1982 y 2016, 8 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Discharge.

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