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(Onion) Garden Fart (Onion)
A Deer Mistaking Candles For Headlights
A Fart At Night Resets The Balance
A Phony in a World of Holden Caulfields
A Soreness So Familiar It Soon Becomes Unquestioned
All My Political And Spiritual Beliefs In Less Than One Minute
An Academics Lament On Barbie
An Intimate Message
Anti-Capitalism Is A Great Marketing Technique
Baby Self​-​Absorbed
Break Stuff (Limp Bizkit)
Care Not For Your Clubnights
Cat Food
Choo-Choo-Choose Me
Chuck & Buck, Suck & Fuck
Chuck And Buck, Suck And Fuck!
Coffee and Blunts
Colm Hindsight
Commodified Dissent as an Act of Resistance (Or the Many Disappointments of The Fictional Band of Hypocrites Known as Ultra Bono)
Cool Knife Bro (feat. Guard Petal)
Cringey Wincer
Crywank Are Posers
Dan Talking About Crisps (Live)
Deep Down I'm American Werewolf
Deep Down I’m Really Kirk Van Houten
Deep Down I’m Really Mark Smith
Do You Have PPE For Self-Esteem?
Don't Listen To This Song
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Drippy Droopy Pigeonhole
Drunk & Lonely On A Sofabed
Egg And Spoon
Ego Is a Phoenix
Everyone Liked Me When I’m Alone
Everything Is Getting Very Snake 2
Falling Down A Hole
Flower in Hand
Forlorn Leghorn
Fuck You Dan
Fuck You James
GB Eating GB While Listening to GB
Gb Eating Gb Whilst Listening To Gb
Goku Is Cool
Graph Paper (Algorhythms)
Guess Who Likes You
Harvey Milk Shit On The Table
Hi Dan How R U Miss U
How Do
I Am a Familiar Creak in Your Floorboards
I Am a Familiar Creek In Your Floorboards
I Am A Rockstar Who Is Really Cool And Sexy
I Am In Great Pain, Please Help Me
I Am Shit
I Dance To Trance In Garbage Pants (Daggermouth)
I Don’t Know About What Happened... (Because Once You Start Writing It All Becomes Fiction)
I Left You To Fuck A Hole I Dug In The Earth
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part I: Bicker Man
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part II: Stretch Armstonk
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part III: The Bards Mard
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part IV: Just Potatoes
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part V: Yellow Donut Doggo
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part VII: Merry Sage of Perspective
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me - Part VIII: Mince (Hack Into The Mainframe)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part II)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part III)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part IV)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part V)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part VII)
I Love You But I’ve Chosen Me (Part VIII)
I Think I’m Dying and I’m Doing Nothing About It
I'm A Cliché
I’ll Have Some In a Bit
I’ll Have Something In A Bit
If I Were You I'd Be Throwing Up
Is That Crazy Enough For Ya’? Want Me To Shit On The Floor?
It Was a Swift Not a Swallow (I Never Listen)
It’s Ok, I Wouldn’t Remember Me Either
Just a Snail
Just A Worm
Langdon Alger (Entitled Monster)
Late Night People Watching
Leech Boy
Life Is Life and That’s So Deep
Little Creepy
Me Me Me (Boo Hoo)
Memento Mori
Memories Elephant
Monarch of the Glen(da)
Ms Jackson (Outkast)
Neem Oil
Nostril Tampon
Now I'm Sad (Boo Hoo)
Obsessive Muso With No Friends
Olivers Theme
On My Mind By Kylie V By Crywank
One Hundred Million Years Ago A Hero Crossed The Land
Only Everyone Can Judge Me
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pope Alexander
Pr8y Boi
Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy
R.I.P Linguo
Roll-on Deoderant
Song For a Guilty Sadist
Squeezing The Damp Tea Towel To It's Final Few Drips
Story of the Lizard and the Sock
Talking 1
Talking 2
Talking 3
The Best
The Only Way I Could Save Myself Now Is If I Start Firebombing
The Poured Boy Of Kutná Hora
The Yolk That Fell Out
There All Is Aching
Thinking About a Potentially Awkward Interaction With An Old Friend (feat. Commuted)
This Song Title Was Too Long (So Now It's Shorter)
Thomas Saunders Gang Chant
Thomas Saunders Gangchant
Thomas Saunders Lloyd Webber
Thoughts on Self-Described DIY Bands Engaging With A Profit-Based Print Media
Tin Foil Hat Crew At The Student House
Trying To Pass Off Playing Merge Games As A Form Of Meditation
Two Ships (The Anarchist Pizza Society Cover)
Unassimilated Normie
Ungrateful Son
Veggie Buddhist Eco Prince
Waste / I Am A Familiar Creak In Your Floorboards
We Don’t Practice
Welcome To Castle Eughggughghgughg
Welcome To Castle Irwell
What Went Down At Holding Hands Peak
When You Eat Yourself, First Start With Your Head Up Your Arse
Who Am I???1
Who Is Thomas Saunders And Why Is He Significant In Your Writings?
You Couldn't Teach Me Integrity
You Won't Meet A Girl Sat In Your Room Listening To Music (But Some Songs Can Still Give You Butterflies)
Your Own Worst Enemy Critic
Youreyeah (Title Fight)
Yuppie Gloup
Zains, Cam4, Wah Wah And Sirens

Curiosidades sobre Crywank

¿Cuáles son las principales canciones de Crywank?
Las principales canciones de Crywank son “Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy”, “Song For a Guilty Sadist”, “Only Everyone Can Judge Me”, “Memento Mori” y “I Am Shit”.
¿Cuál es el álbum más reciente de Crywank?
El álbum más reciente de Crywank es “Just Popping In To Say Hi”, lanzado en 2021 con 11 pistas.
¿Cuál es el álbum más antiguo de Crywank?
El álbum más antiguo de Crywank es “On the Road to a Very Bad Place”, lanzado en 2010 con 6 pistas.
¿Cuál es la canción de mayor éxito de Crywank?
La canción más popular de Crywank es “Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy”, del álbum “Tour Demos 2013”, lanzado en 2013.
¿Cuántos álbumes ha lanzado Crywank?
Entre 2010 y 2021, 21 Álbumes fueron lanzados por Crywank.

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